Tuesday, December 14, 2010

About the bags.

Those tote bags that i'm selling here such as Agnes B, Marc Jacob, Fred Perry, RICH etc. It is those free gifts from those Japanese Magazines. 

Everyone must be wondering why it is given free in the magazines and its even those branded bags, is it really authentic? 

- Yes, it is authentic. 
- The company of these branded bags have given the copyright to the magazine for giving it out as free gifts. 
- The materials used to is usually canvas so its kinda cheap compare to those bags selling outside with all these brands. 

And why can we, sellers get it?
Many of the traders purchased one whole bulk from them to sell online. 
So usually when every issue is launched, most of them will get to snatch these goods.

But, there are hardly any shops that sell those bags in Malaysia. 

Please, sweeties. 
Stop asking me if they're authentic or not.
If you think that I’m selling fake tote bags, then don't purchase it. 

Thanks. :)

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